
Friday, April 11, 2008

Spaghetti with Sausage and Tomato

Ok my friends....I have been missing in action. No excuses, just been lazy to blog. That does not mean I stopped cooking, infact I have been taking photos and archiving it all, waiting for the time I get off my lazy bones and start blogging again. So this simple dish and the next few dishes would have been dated a few months, weeks ago. :)

Inspiration - As you know already, I just love to check out what is available in my kitchen and whip something up. I found this packet of black peppered sausage which must have been sitting in my freezer for sometime. So I thot I would whip some great simple spaghetti for lunch.

Simple Steps :-
1) Get some chopped garlic, 2 tomatoes and a hand grip of spagetti.

2) Put spaghetti boiling water, make sure yr lid is not closed completely especially if u are using small pot cos they water tend to overflow when boiling.

3) To test if spaghetti is ready this is my trick. I actually learned this from Tony Danza oink years ago when I was really young watching My Boss or something that sounds like that. You know the one with young Alyssa Milano. Ok ok, I digressed. Basically take a strand of spaghetti and throw it to a wall and if it sticks, then it is ready. Cool huh! I think Tony danza threw it up the ceiling though :)

4) Basically, stirfry the garlic first with some olive oil, then throw in the cut sausages, and then the sliced tomatoes. Then quickly put in the cooked spaghetti and toss.

5) Add salt, pepper to taste and what I like on spaghetti - chili flakes. Serve on plate. Voila! Ready to eat! Yum Yum!

Verdict - Well, I like simple spaghetti (with no sauce) so this suits me just fine. I don't really fancy sausages but since this is what I have in fridge it was a good fast and simple meat to put in the spaghetti.

Simple ingredients :-
1) some chopped garlic - likely 3-4 cloves as u prefer
2) 2 tomatoes - quartered or smaller
3) Spaghetti - quarter or half of pack - to serve 2 people
4) Sausage - I am using black peppered sausage from my freezer :)
5) Salt, Pepper, Chili flakes, Olive oil.


  1. Spaghetti aglio olio salsiccia.. nice :D

    Aglio olio is also one of my favourites.. and I find the type and quality of olive oil used makes a big difference in this simple dish.

  2. must use olive oil? normal oil can?

  3. Hi thanks for letting me know the fancy name..salsiccia..definitely sounds better than sausages :)
    Yep! I love aglio olio too, it is simple and light and always taste good.

    Irene - Olive oil is always a better option, don't forget healthier. I just feel that normal oil have a higher oil stench which may leave the spaghetti with the oil's taste. If using normal oil I would reduce quantity but you will run the risk that the spaghetti is too dry.
