
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Loh Mai Kai

Inspiration - arhhhh...isn't it yummy......everytime I look at the photos, I feel like eating it up. I was determined to make my own Loh Mai Kai...translated Glutinous Rice with Chicken. This is a normal dim sum dish though the Chinese restaurants in Dallas usually have the rice wrapped in lotus leaf. So I kinda miss my round shaped loh mai kai, after researching some recipes on the net, plus minus some ingredients here and there....this is what I came up with - my very simple loh mai kai. It's so yummy.

Simple recipe

1) Glutinous rice - 200gm

2) Chicken -10-15 medium cubes - can use chicken breast or chicken thigh

3) Mushroom - 5-8 small pieces

4) Marinate for chicken - soy sauce, dark soy sauce, ginger juice, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, sesame oil.

6) Seasoning for rice - 2 tbsp oil or lard, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper and five spice powder.

5) Optional - Chinese sausage or Char siu- though I did not have it available when I was making this.

Simple steps -

1) Wash rice and soak overnight. Next day, steam rice for 30 mins. Remove and leave aside.

2) Marinate chicken for at least 1 hr. Overnight preferred.

Firstly, stir fry mushroom with some garlic and oil. Then add the marinate chicken and stir fry for a few minutes. No need to fully cook the chicken. Add a bit of water to fully integrate all the ingredients.

3) Arrr...the seasoning for the rice is very important. For the best taste, it is recommended to use some lard. So if you happen to have some pork/chicken lard, you can add to the overall mixture - soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark sauce sauce, salt, pepper, sesame oil, five spice powder and 2 cup of water. Mix well.

4) Mix the seasoning well with the rice.

5) Now for the preparation - Prepare 6 bowls - I just use my Chinese rice bowls. Grease it with some oil and then put in 2 pcs of Chicken and 1-2 pcs of mushroom. Then top the rice into each bowl.

6) Steam for another 30-40 mins till ready.

Voila! Ready to eat! Soooo yummy!


  1. Hi,

    Discovered your site through a friend's blog. I think your recipes are wonderful for kitchen newbies like me!

    Please keep posting =P

    Can I link you at my site?

  2. Hi Peiyun, Thanks for the compliment. I am no expert, also newbie trying out recipes but I want to share the process so that everyone and even myself can learn. Thanks for linking me.

  3. Wow...a homemade loh mai kai. I never thought of eating a homemade Loh Mai Kai, cause the food has a image of a restaurant food. Anyway, thanks for the recipe, it looks great.

  4. omg~~ u made me hungry again!! i followed ur chicken rice recipe. :) and amended some of the steps and ingredients. i like ur blog veli much. cos save time and energy. good for lazy bums like me :) linking u at my blog ya :)

  5. hi...the loh mai kai looks great... your cooking adventure give me the kind of UMPH!!! to explore and cook more...

    great job !!! keep in up....take care

  6. Hi hyperx - actually this is my first time making it and surprisingly it was quite simple. I guess when you have it readily available, you don't consider making it yrself, now I am in USA, cannot just drive out and buy so am glad tried it out myself.

    Hi Liang mui - Thanks! Am glad it worked out for you. Yes...I am all for simple cooking and the less complicated the better. Glad you like it.

    Hi Elenie - Thanks. Yes is very satisfying when successful and the reward is you get to eat! Yum!

  7. your loh mai kai looks wonderful but your style of recipe writing is very confusing!!! there is no mention of garlic or 5 spice powder in the ingredients list but they both suddenly appear in the method section!! *arggh* i wanted to try making this but changed my mind as the recipe writing is not clear enough.
